
My female cockatoo, Lily
has exhibited strange behaviour
bearing down; her abdomen
dropped low between her talons
she sways side to side
and clucks an odd song my way.

She is telling me that we
would make a good match
and laying eggs would
be an honour if I’d comply
and be her companion
until they hatch.

Which of course I’d love
to do,  but what would the children
think and would her mother
approve? No telling what they’d
look like, they might even
have my ears and need

braces. So I told her no,
and left her to brood
alone in her gilded cage
only to find she’d written
me a nasty note in bird-scratch
on the little mirror hanging
above her perch that read: 

You’re a real bitch
in the morning, you don’t
appreciate me and your butt
looks big in those jeans.

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