Our editorial team has been overrun by submissions. Until we find the bottom of our submission box we cannot accept more unsolicited submissions. If you sent a submission ages ago and still haven’t heard back from us, we sincerely apologize.
What we publish:
We publish poetry, short fiction, cartoons and sketches. We look for literary and artistic merit as well as entertainment value. As we are devoted to humour, submissions should be funny. They should also be previously unpublished or previously deemed unpublishable.
How to submit writing:
Submissions should be sent by email to: submissions@feathertale.com. (we are currently closed to new submissions)
Please include your name and full address, as well as your phone number, email address and a few autobiographical sentences telling us who you are and what you do. Please clearly indicate, in the subject of your email, which category (fiction, poetry) your submission is for. All stories should be attached as Word or PDF documents.
Short-fiction submissions to Feathertale.com should be no longer than 2,500 words. Though we have published stories of up to 7,000 words, most pieces that we publish are significantly shorter. Poems can be up to 1,000 words. Please do not submit more than two poems or stories at once.
How to submit cartoons and comics for the website:
Artwork submissions should be sent by email to our art director Lee at: lwilson@feathertale.com.
Please note: Due to the large quantity of artwork we receive, we request that you only send web links and no file attachments.
How to submit cartoons and comics for the Review:
The majority of artwork in the Review is commissioned to individual artists at the time of production. Submitting to the website is a good way to introduce yourself to us. We love meeting new artists and like to get a few new artists in each issue of the Review. If your artwork is published in The Feathertale Review it must be 300dpi, CMYK and JPEG or TIFF file formats.
All submissions for publication should be submitted to us online. We no longer accept submissions sent to us by post.
We aim to respond to submissions quickly but have been known to fall behind on replies from time to time. We apologize in advance for any delays in getting back to you.
We like to pay our online contributors with hugs and thank-you cards. However, any online contributors that see publication in The Feathertale Review will be rewarded monetarily.
We buy first North American serial rights or reprint rights. We also require permission to publish your submissions on our website. A brief biographical sketch of all our contributors will be added to our website.
Privacy policy:
Feathertale will not sell your personal information or share it. If for any reason you would like your information removed from our records, contact our webmonkey.