Issue 17


From the creators of homemade cucumbers comes a magazine that looks kind of like a book but which is, in fact, not.



This 128-page issue includes:

  • Justin Trudeau channeling his inner Donald Trump
  • Unreported details of a Soviet plot to kidnap Alice Munro
  • The militarization and sexualization of mustelids
  • Exclusive access to the Distinguished Ursidae Society
  • Misadventures in virtual reality
  • The accidental baking of a feline
  • An unreadable story about a hot, hot beach filled with hotties
  • An interview with Sarah Selecky
  • A flip comic featuring a cat’s butt
  • PLUS: Some other stuff!

Designed in Ontario by retired children
Assembled in Manitoba by unkempt poodles

Printed on materials once used in the reconstruction of Michael Jackson’s face.